Thursday, April 11, 2013

Write an Eye Catching Resume Through Descriptive Words

The Prelude

Resume are one of those writing pieces that most of us have to write at least once in life, and it doesn't matter if we have the flare for writing or not. Since resumes are quite responsible to some extent for the future of any one of us seeking employment in this fast paced society, it becomes very important to know how to frame and write the perfect resume to impress your potential new employer.

Whether it is about getting selected to your favorite university for higher education, or you would like to join your dream company someday, your resume will speak volumes to potential employers, and is the gateway for you to bring alive all your dreams. Therefore it is critical to pay great attention to detail, and write a great resume to impress!

Every now and then we hear that the resume should be descriptive. Here we would try to find out how a descriptive resume can really catch the attention of HR ( Human Resources staff ) reading it, and what words types of words should be added to a resume to make it look impressive and effective.

What actually is a Descriptive Resume?

Going by the literal sense of the term descriptive resume, it means to write down on paper, or type out on your computer everything about you. This is surely not going to suit the purpose of writing the resume. The company of course does not need to to know the value of your home, or which car you drive when it comes to selecting you with the job.

Descriptive Resume writing is something more intricate which involves writing down things in a descriptive way that would really matter to your potential employer.

What to do before writing a resume?

There has to be a difference in your resume depending on whether you want to get selected in an IT firm, or you want to join a company that deals in tours and travels. It is very important to know about the little details of the company in which you want to work at for your resume to get selected and placed at the top.

Before you even walk into a company office for an interview, it is your resume that will be speaking on behalf of you. It's imperative to ensure your resume is constructed perfectly before sending it off.

The collected information about the company and the job description can really help you out in framing out the right resume that would surely catch the employer’s attention.

What to do while writing a resume descriptively?

Use the information collected in your research about the company and job description to play with words that would appeal to the selectors. Mention the skills and achievements that you really think are of any use to the potential employers job profile. Also it is important being to the point, and not getting deviated in a particular skill or achievement which is not as important to your potential employer as you might think is very essential.

Do not miss out any details that can be important for the resume to stand out from the rest.

Organizing of the resume 

A good descriptive resume would have a title followed by the objective of writing the resume. After this the body of the resume follows which should be neatly divided into education, skills, work experience if any, achievements and references in the end should be added at the end. Write all the things point wise in a very crystal clear manner.

Descriptive resume words

Certain words and phrases would definitely grab the recruiter’s attention if used in a proper manner at right spots in the resume. Use action verbs like performed, coordinated which would sound like you are directly talking to the person reading your resume.

Too many adjectives can be really irritating to describe a certain quality of yours. Instead try and use descriptive sentences that would bring a special element of attractiveness to your resume. Always prefer using positive words over negative like instead of decreased complaints use increased appreciation from the clients. For a great list of descriptive words to consider using, you can download a free pdf file with a list of self descriptive resume words here.

The Final Verdict

Always remember that your resume is not a standard document, and it should not look like a stereotype. You want to focus on your resume standing out so it speaks volumes about yourself to potential recruiters.

Most recruiters have to go through several dozen, or several hundred resumes in a day, and he/she would not waste time on something which is similar looking to one he/she has already rejected earlier.

A well organized descriptive resume with the right use of vocabulary and positive content can really help you fetch your dream job more easily and impress your new employers.

Here are a few more helpful resources for descriptive resume words.

100 great resume words:

Resume action verbs:

1 comment:

  1. Writing eye-catching resume bullet points for your management resume isn’t a want. But, an ABSOLUTE need. Choose your resume format properly. If you have a professional association whose opinion you trust, by all means, listen to what he or she has to say.
